Genesis Air RGS

Proven technology to disinfect, deodorize, and filter air

The Genesis Air RGS is a CenterPoint Standalone Air Purifier used to reduce the levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) and viable airborne biological contaminants. The unit may be utilized as a portable “point-of-use” air purifier or may be permanently mounted on a wall in a room. The RGS uses (1) Genesis Air 1221 PCP.

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Centerpoint Technology

Special Features

Rated for 550 to 1,650 Sq. ft.*
(2) 20” UV-C lamps (non-Ozone producing)
Variable Speed Control
12” x 24” x 4” MERV 13 Filter
(1) 1221 PCP
Power Requirements: 120 Volts AC @ 60 Hz 3.4 Amps
Air Flow (CFM): 275 - 825
Size: 15” x 16.25” x 33.25”
Animal dander
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